Thursday, November 26, 2009

I'm baaaaaack!!

Well, after several months of "blog silence" I am now back. Sorry - school happened. I love teaching but it becomes all consuming for me. Thanks to my awesome sister-in-law Emily and Leelou Blogs - I now have this cute little template. Emily gave me a little tutorial this morning. We are having a wonderful Thanksgiving. Mom is still very weak and I had to fuss at her this morning and tell her to rest. I tried to encourage her sweetly to go rest and I will take care of breakfast but that didn't work sooo I had to become a little more forceful. Mom's will always be mom's....always wanting everything to be just so.

We had a fab "Doss Breakfast" this morning - country ham, bacon, sausage, country fried eggs, homemade biscuits, fresh grape juice from our homegrown grapes and homemade jam oh and black eyed gravy for Dad. I call the black eyed gravy a heart attack in a cup. Oh uhhh mom just told me it's red eye gravy not black eye gravy. LOL! I need to get another tutorial on my dad's biscuits - it's a recipe from my grandaddy that my great grandmother taught him how to make. So we gotta keep the tradition alive! I think that is one thing that has really hit home with me over the last few years. I want to know how to cook things like my momma - when you ask her - how do you make that she just says well a little of this a little of that it's not really measurements so I figure the only way to really know what to do is get in there and do it with her. That is what we did yesterday. Momma would "supervise" and I would throw the stuff together.

If I were a true blogger I would have taken a picture of the wonderful breakfast this morning and the spread of food last night - but obviously I am just an no pics. Sorry. I'll get better. Aaaand it might be a good excuse to buy myself the fancy pants camera I've been wanting! *SMILE* You know me - any excuse for a fabulous gift to myself!
I hope you all have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!!!!
*HUGS* to you!!!