Sunday, December 20, 2009

Monumental Day

So tomorrow I go to my Oncologist for my 5 year appointment. I am anticipating that after all the bloodwork and scans are done there will be an "Everything's just fine" report. In honor of the big day I was origianally going to get a tatoo that said survivor. To be honest I had mixed emotions about it. Mom and Dad would NOT have approved and I just wasn't 100% about it. Soooo, I decided to buy myself a nice piece of jewelry for the occassion. There were two items in the running. The first was a bracelet from Tiffany's........ The second was a charm bracelet from James Avery. The charm bracelet won out. (Maybe I'll buy the bracelet from Tiffany's for myself on Valentine's Day!!!!)
Okay back to the charm bracelet............ here is a picture of it...........

I would get my initials on the bracelet. My younger brother (Daniel) and sister-in-law (Emily) are adopting a baby and her name is going to be Darby Layne Doss. She will have the same initials as I do so everything I get that is monogrammed she can inherit one day, if she wants it. *smile*

Here are the charms that I am going to buy for it right now............

This charm will say - Survivor 12-21-09

I love this one - Jesus - our Ultimate Healer!!!!!!!!!!! This one is in honor of my precious Mother who is currently battling cancer. She has a charm bracelet and I always remember that she had a grand piano on it. I love her, she's the best!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

My funny little children....

There are times when my students make me chuckle inside or simply smile. And then there are those times when my kids make me double over in laughter!!! Such as this.......
Picture it -- Kids coming in my classroom fresh off of Thanksgiving Break: Oh Ms. Doss we love the tree! (As one child begins singing "O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree")
Ms. Doss: Well, I am glad that you all like it - what do you see that is missing from the tree?
Kids: Ornaments
Ms. Doss: Well - you all are going to help me decorate our class tree. After whoops and hollers I continue. If I catch you making good choices, coming in class and getting on task, helping a friend, then you may get to put an ornament on our tree. Suddenly, I see straighter backs, trying to show that THEY need to be picked. And then a hand shoots up.... I call on this student and he says in the most sincere and grown-up voice....Ms. Doss That is a wonderful idea. It just cracked me up. I thanked the student and he smiled.

It is funny how a children sometimes act like little adults. A few years ago there was a little boy that was walking through the hallway and looked at a coworker and myself - shook his head and said "kids these days".......

Friday, December 4, 2009

No internet.....

for a WHOLE week. Yes, my friends a WHOLE WEEK! I didn't realize until this morning just how much I love having access to the internet and unless I am laying beside a pool with a hunky waiter asking me if I need anything - while I am floating around in the ocean on a very large ship - I need internet access. Period. No questions asked. *SMILE*

How is it that a teacher who is not on Christmas Break or Summer Break is writing on her blog at 1:42 p.m. on a Friday afternoon???? Weeeeell we are out of school for the state tournament today! Whoohoo! Love football and that we have a great team this year! So today I woke up around 6:00 a.m. and promptly went right back to sleep! Aaaahhhh I LOVE sleeping late. I love it so much it's could almost be sinful.

I finally got the Christmas Tree decorated. I have NEVER had a Christmas Tree sit bare for about a week. It was looking very pitiful and bleak. But now, it is soooo lit up and beeeautiful!!!! I love hanging my ornaments on the tree. There are so many memories hanging on that tree and I enjoy looking at the ornaments and thinking about the person that gave the ornament to me.

Well, I am off to enjoy the Christmas movies I have been feverishly "DVR-ing" - or maybe a Christmas book I'm reading - decisions, decisions...... all I know is it WILL include some freshly popped popcorn and a ddp.