Friday, December 4, 2009

No internet.....

for a WHOLE week. Yes, my friends a WHOLE WEEK! I didn't realize until this morning just how much I love having access to the internet and unless I am laying beside a pool with a hunky waiter asking me if I need anything - while I am floating around in the ocean on a very large ship - I need internet access. Period. No questions asked. *SMILE*

How is it that a teacher who is not on Christmas Break or Summer Break is writing on her blog at 1:42 p.m. on a Friday afternoon???? Weeeeell we are out of school for the state tournament today! Whoohoo! Love football and that we have a great team this year! So today I woke up around 6:00 a.m. and promptly went right back to sleep! Aaaahhhh I LOVE sleeping late. I love it so much it's could almost be sinful.

I finally got the Christmas Tree decorated. I have NEVER had a Christmas Tree sit bare for about a week. It was looking very pitiful and bleak. But now, it is soooo lit up and beeeautiful!!!! I love hanging my ornaments on the tree. There are so many memories hanging on that tree and I enjoy looking at the ornaments and thinking about the person that gave the ornament to me.

Well, I am off to enjoy the Christmas movies I have been feverishly "DVR-ing" - or maybe a Christmas book I'm reading - decisions, decisions...... all I know is it WILL include some freshly popped popcorn and a ddp.

1 comment:

  1. i'm so glad you're back to blogland and i'm very jealous you had a day off for the state tournament! what up? enjoy your christmas time!
